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Sliders allow users to make selections from a range of values.


  • The element serving as the focusable slider control has role slider.
  • The slider element has the aria-valuenow property set to a decimal value representing the current value of the slider.
  • The slider element has the aria-valuemin property set to a decimal value representing the minimum allowed value of the slider.
  • The slider element has the aria-valuemax property set to a decimal value representing the maximum allowed value of the slider.
  • If the value of aria-valuenow is not user-friendly (e.g., the day of the week is represented by a number) the aria-valuetext property is set to a string that makes the slider value understandable (e.g., “Monday”).
  • If the slider has a visible label, it is referenced by aria-labelledby on the slider element. Otherwise, the slider element has a label provided by aria-label.
  • If the slider is vertically oriented, it has aria-orientation set to vertical. The default value of aria-orientation for a slider is horizontal.
  • Make sure the thumb is in the page tab sequence.
  • Right and Up arrows increase the value of the slider by one step; Left and Down arrows decrease the value of the slider by one step.
  • When using a multi-thumb slider, each thumb is in the page tab sequence and has the same keyboard interaction as a single-thumb slider.
Last updated September 20, 2024.