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Alerts provide contextual information about system status that persists until dismissed or resolved.


  • Container (Height: 56px; Radius: 2px; 1px border, 12px indicator line same color as border on the left; Padding: 16px; Margin: 16px) required
  • Alert text (Font: Open Sans Bold 14px) required
  • Leading Non-Interactive Icon/ Charm (16x16px) optional
  • Button (text only, right aligned) or trailing close icon (16px16px)
  • Link (underlined, only one per alert) optional


  • Appear on top of the main content container.
  • Stretch horizontally to fill 100% of the container they are placed in.
    • Always follow typography line length guidelines when displaying alerts. Pair with another component, like a Form, or place in a fixed-width container to ensure alerts don’t get too wide.
  • Push other content down to make room for an alert on a page.
  • Can include tint to add extra emphasis or to increase contrast with page content. When changing background color, make sure the text and icons pass contrast ratio requirements.
  • Do not have a shadow.
  • Remain on the page until dismissed.


Element Property Color
Primary Color Trimble Blue
Background White
Border Trimble Blue
Success Color Green Dark
Background White
Border Green Dark
Danger Color Red
Background White
Border Red
Warning Color Trimble Gray
Background White
Border Yellow Dark


  • When applicable, dismiss by clicking the close icon.
  • When dismissed or resolved, alerts slide up and fade out, relinquishing their space.


  • Keep titles three to five words if possible.
  • For titles, use title case and capitalize prepositions of four letters or more.
  • Messages should tell the user what’s happening and whether they need to act to successfully keep moving through a task. Warning alerts might tell a user what could happen if they don’t address what they’re being warned about.
  • For messages, use full sentences with punctuation. Use sentence case.
  • Unordered lists offer a structured format to present:
    • Items needing resolution
    • Guidelines to successful completion
    • Ways to resolve problems
Last updated September 6, 2024.